How to access the sessions at the Science Days

You will need to register to receive your personalized link that will allow you to participate in the plenary sessions (Session 1, 4, 5 and 8). The password you receive along with the access link can be used to access all sessions at the Science Days.


The plenary sessions will also be webcast live :

The parallel sessions can be accessed through the following links:

8 July | 14:15 – 15:30 CEST

2a. Achieving more healthy diets in food systems – STI for affordable and accessible nutritious foods for healthy diets

2b. Achieving more inclusive food systems – STI for eliminating hunger and poverty and for advancing equitable livelihoods

2c. Achieving more sustainable and resilient food systems – STI for making sustainable use of natural resources and managing and preventing risks and crises, incl. climate change and COVID-19

8 July | 15:40 – 16:55 CEST

3a. Strengthening the science-policy interface across disciplines and policy areas incl.  economics, and health-, nutrition-, climate-, ecological-sciences

3b. Investing in institutional and human capacity for science and innovation

3c. Capitalizing on models, data, and communications revolutions, and new methods

9 July | 14:15 – 15:30 CEST

6a. Empowering and engaging the youth as key players in food systems innovation

6b. Empowering and engaging traditional and indigenous knowledge holders as key players in food systems innovation

6c. Science in and by food industry and start-ups for food systems innovation

6d. Empowering and engaging women as key players in food systems innovation

9 July | 15:40 – 16:55 CEST

7a. Pushing the frontiers of science for food systems: Bio-science innovations

7b. Pushing the frontiers of science for food systems: Digital innovations

7c. Pushing the frontiers of science for food systems: Policy and institutional innovations